Tuesday, 21 June 2016

TMNT: Out of the Shadows? Just stay there

I'd just like to start off by saying that the only reason that I watched this film was because of Stephen Amell, I'm an Arrow fan and he is Casey Jones, I watched the first one and thought it was complete trash. I hoped this would be better but what can you expect from Spielberg besides 'splosions.

The open sequence to the film was pretty decent and it got my hopes up, it was all action packed turtle parkour with a side of pizza and them blam! they're only going to see the NY Knicks... don't think this is me saying its bad, I loved that, I was giggling to myself thinking that the film was going to open with them fighting crime, I was pleasantly surprised. Also when Mickey drops the slice on the court and DJ slips that was probably the best part of the film... I would also suggest skipping over the whole Megan Fox goes Mission Impossible bit because that is just pure bullshit.

As for the rest of the film, it's the usual Michael Bay crap with plenty of destruction, especially when Krang shows up but we'll get to that later because I've got something good to say about this film! If you watched the last TMNT film you'll know that it was about 40% turtles and 60% other people who aren't mutant turtles and that was just silly, I mean who goes to the cinema to watch a film about teenage mutant ninja turtles and wants to see very little of them? Not me. The thing about this film is that it actually has more screen time for the ones that the film is about, yes the turtles, yes it should be Stephen Amell but it isn't so just be happy with the turtles okay? Good. 

So yeah the film is good, kind of, up until... right now. Krang comes along and wants to bring this huge war machine with him (it's also called something ridiculous) but because it's so big it has to come piece by piece, and guess what... it destroys all the buildings in its way and its not even being put together yet. Obviously the turtles can't be having Krang destroying New York, I mean what if they destroy the Knicks stadium Basketball will never be the same. The turtles must defend New York and they go up there and fight through their issues as a team, beat Krang as a team and then live happily ever after... in the sewers and not in the partially destroyed city that lays above them. 

To be really honest this film is worth a watch, even of it's just to decide you hate it because it does have its good points.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Can Wolverine and Quick Silver make a baby?... please?

I'm back at it with the blogging, so let me start with this film here X-men Apocalypse, firstly I did enjoy this film there wasn't a point during it where I just wanted to leave, but I did feel it dragged at points. Secondly I should point out that I had only 2 favorite scenes from the film which I'll talk about later so be warned there will be spoilers.

Right so the film itself was good, I enjoyed it all the way through (despite my terrible mistake to not go to the toilet before the film started) there was also quite a few points in the film that made me laugh which is more than most films do, I'm usually pretty neutral through out films. It was pretty nice to see the young interpretations of more of the X-men rather than just the odd few, Also nice touch throwing Jubilee in there, yeah I noticed her. To go with that praise of it was nice to see the young X-men what the hell did they do to Night-crawlers character!? I'm not saying I didn't like it or that it was a bad thing its just seems weird to have an emo mutant.

My first favorite scene was the one that already been seen many times and talked about even more, yes its the Quick Silver scene, that scene made the film feel so much better than it should have been, I was getting to a point of 'okay young X-men, cool, can we have some action now' and then Quick Silver appeared and with that cheesy music too. The best thing about that scene is that even though he ran around and saved all the students in the best ways possible, it was the sudden realization that he had done all that in a couple of seconds, and also he completely missed Alex Summers who got roasted, I'm gonna be honest I forgot about him too so Quick Silver can be forgiven.

The Second scene that I liked was the scene with Wolverine, it wasn't all the savage massacring that he does on his way out of the facility, well it was a little bit, but it was more the end of that scene where Jean reached into his memories and gave him some of them back, which explains why in the original X-men movies Logan is so attached to Jean since he probably remembers her.

Finishing up here I'd just like to say that X-men Apocalypse is a good film and if you feel like heading to the cinema than I recommend seeing it, but its not that good of a film for you to stop reading and head to see it now.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

About that group work...

So for the infographics that I have been posting, yeah I was supposed to work with a group to make them... But I just don't like to work in a group, I work best when I can just do the work myself, which essentially consists of me procrastinating for weeks until I can be bothered to actually do anything. Point is I had a group that I should have kept in contact with and actually met up with to make the infographics, but I didn't because like I said I work better alone, which does sound like a really douchey thing to say but its the truth. 

Second on my list of group work stuff, I think that the group pretty much did the same as me, by that I mean worked alone, but the other two did have some form of contact with one and other as they were talking every now and again in a group chat that all three of us were in, I just chose to ignore it because I'm a bad person. Sometimes I did look at the chat without opening it because once again I didn't want to be talk to anyone, (yeah, I know how socially awkward of me) but I still wanted to know what was going on which wasn't a lot for the majority of the time, mainly they were asking where I was... 

Over all I think the work that I made was pretty damn good if I do say so myself (which I obviously do because I'm full of myself and this is my blog after all) but to be honest, I should have interacted with my group a lot more because I could have used them to do some of the work for me...Errm I mean we could have worked as a group to complete the work... but it would have worked out the way that it was supposed to is my point. I probably could have done with doing a lot more planning rather than just thinking 'oh that could be cool as an infographic' because that did really trip me up more than once, When I was making the first infographic I just thought I'd make something to do with super heroes, since I had just got back from seeing Batman Vs Superman at the cinema, but that was the extent of my planning, I did just then proceed to throw it together on the fly. I did however look at it afterwards and think how terrible it was, so I remade it with 'some' planning (I made a few little drawings on a scrap piece of paper). I then went about two weeks before doing literally anymore work and then all of a sudden thought about a game that I played when I was younger, I remembered it held a record for the most profanity in a game (I was a massive nerd and actually knew the exact number of every swear at one point when I was younger) so I did the exact same thing and didn't plan anything out and ended up doing it twice. So lesson learned, plan my stuff out before I make it, which I do usually do I was just being arrogant in thinking that an infographic wouldn't be that hard to make, which it wasn't, it was just the way it looked that was my problem. 

Unit X made it a thing

The whole reason this blog is a thing is because of Unit X that I am studying at University, I thought about starting a blog a while ago but lacked the commitment to actually do so, since I had to do this blog as a part of my course it forced me to commit to it, and I'm grateful for it, I've really enjoyed writing this blog and plan to continue to do so in the future after this unit has ended. When this unit started all we was told was that we would be writing a blog, anything past that was all up to us, we had complete freedom, we could write about anything that we wanted but uni said they were taking us to see new releases at the cinema if we wanted an easy option, I didn't when I first started thinking about it, I wanted to do something original that was my own but I couldn't think of anything that I would be able to write about for six weeks and totalling in 4000-5000 words. 

I think that choosing to write about the films that we went to see was a good idea, I really liked the idea of reviewing films when I started my first one, as you'll notice my first blog post about a movie is quite long in comparison to my others. Before I start to write any of my blog posts I usually read one or two of my previous ones just to soak in my writing style again as I tend to ramble on and on if I don't, and once I read my first post (about me and Facebook being married) and then read the review of The Other Side of The Door I realised where I had gone wrong, but at the same time didn't want to take out any of the content in the review.  

To finish my final post in this blog that is required to be posted, I'd like to say that Unit X has been one of my favourite units so far, as it's helped me find something to do that I'm enjoying more and more as I write more posts, I'm always thinking when I'm watching something how I'll write a post about it. Unit X is definitely unique in every way, the whole idea of it is great and is a really good way to finish my first year at university, the fact that it's quite relaxed in its approach is another reason I'm happy to finish my year with it, I could have easily been assigned an essay of 4000 words on a subject that I didn't choose, and I probably would have written it all the night before the due date, and I could have done that with this blog, I could have written all my posts in one day and then posted them and submitted it but I've enjoyed writing these posts so I wanted to do it straight away rather than leaving it to the last-minute like I would with an essay.  

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Meet The Jimmy's

So in my last post I talked about Hardcore Henry, and the various amounts of Jimmy's that there are. I thought that I'd make this infographic to try and explain the Jimmy's, with their different persona's and how they met their demise, caution spoilers ahead...

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

It's me Jimmy...

For anyone who has seen this movie will understand the title immediately, for those who haven't let me explain it. So Hardcore Henry, the first person movie released in April, I just finished watching it and it was a lot better than I expected it to be, I was quite reluctant to watch it when it first came out I'd heard some people say that while watching it made them feel sick or gave them a head ache, so I didn't really bother with it. I can now say though that it is a really good film, it has some problems that slightly bugged me but I can overlook them since they are pretty minor things.

Let me just say that when I first started watching I got a little bored because everything seemed a little boring to me, and I don't mean that there wasn't any action because there was it was just the fact that everything seemed to keep going wrong for Henry, but then the story actually picked up and I was pretty much engrossed for the rest of the film. My first problem was that I couldn't really make much out in the action scenes as they were really fast paced, like they should be but fast paced action didn't work too well with the first person thing, there was way too much motion blur. 

The second thing that got me which I'll add this isn't a complaint because it was pretty funny, this is where the title comes in, for those who haven't seen the movie, there's a character called Jimmy who (spoilers) is later found to be a cripple hiding in a secret lab and has clones (I guess that's what they are) each with their own persona's, but in every scene with one of these clones they die and then a new one pops back up a little later, which is really confusing until it's explained and even then its still pretty confusing.

I'm usually against the idea of movies being made into games because usually there's just something off about them but in this case I'm seriously hoping for a Hardcore Henry game, I think that this movie is a perfect candidate for a game, I don't know if that's because of the first person theme or if it's all the action in the movie, either way I think it'll just work because I had an urge to pick my controller up during the movie because I felt like I was just watching the intro to a game and I was so ready to kick some ass with my side kick Jimmy leading the charge!

All in all it's a pretty good movie, I'm also debating with the voices in my head as to whether it's a film worthy of being in my top 10 films because I really liked it but I'm also a little unsure and I really don't know why...

Monday, 9 May 2016

Isn't a game just a playable movie?

Okay Okay, yes I know... the name of the blog is Between The Movies and Me but this is pretty cool and I made it so what more do you want?...

So when I was younger I used to be obsessed with zombies (I still am I guess) and I played all the Resident Evil games all the way through, and then I found The House Of The Dead games on the Wii and I played all of them too, but the one that really got my attention was this one The House Of The Dead Overkill and no it wasn't because there's over 300 different instances of swearing in it but that was the reason I made this infographic.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Whose side are you on? The audience wins either way

Where to start with this film... I have so many mixed feelings, I liked it and it made me laugh at times and also left me wanting more, but at the same time I was bored watching it. It was just another generic action film, it had all the action (go figure) and the right mix of dialogue to make it a good film, the opening was a little weird since there was no kind of set up just straight into some kind of mission, it of course made more sense as the film went on but when it started I thought I had missed something. 

The whole idea behind the reason that Cap and Iron Man 'fall out' was a good idea but I couldn't help but think it was a little like Batman Vs Superman in how it was one man pitting the two against each other, I was half expecting Cap and Iron Man to name their mothers and then become friends again. I'm getting a little ahead of myself here but I just had to slip that in before I forgot, but yes one man causing Cap and Iron Man to become foe's was great and the film really supported it as you didn't find this out till the end. Although this film is a Captain America film it did feel more like an Avengers film at times, which is both a good and a bad thing because if you picked a side before you went into the film you could still support that side somewhat, but the film did obviously follow Cap around as it was his film after all.

I did feel a little disappointed when Tony found out that Cap was telling the truth and sided with him, I thought that was going to be it for the fighting and the two were going to team back up and stop the 'bad guy' together, but then no sooner had the two become friends again they were back to fighting and it was left up to Black Panther to apprehend the 'bad guy'. I keep saying 'bad guy' because he wasn't really that bad, I mean yes he did bomb a building filled with international dignitaries and kill that one guy... yeah okay he is a bad guy but he did kind of have a good reason for it, I mean the Avengers did accidentally kill his entire family.

I have to throw this in here at the end as its being bugging me (pardon the pun) since I saw it, and that is the scene where Ant-man is sat on the end of one of Hawk Eye's arrows. Why has this being bugging me (again, sorry) well I'll tell you, its because the way that Scott Lang is able to shrink to the size of an ant is with the use of Pym Particles and the way they work is by shrinking the distance between the atoms of whatever they are shrinking, meaning that they would still have the same mass (weight) so if you shrunk a car to the size of a coin it would still weigh the same amount, so Scott would have still weighed the same amount while sat on the end of Hawk Eye's arrow. Watch the video below for all the actual science stuff.

Monday, 25 April 2016

How The Jungle Book is Like Your Ex

It looks good but you already know how it's going to end, similar to looking at your ex, yeah sure they might look good but they're an ex for a reason you know how it's going to end. 

The Jungle Book looks amazing, the visuals of this movie are some of the best I've seen, I was actually questioning myself sometimes because I couldn't tell if the animals were real or not. Now unlike my previous posts I'm going to talk about this film in a good light, I did actually like it.

The thing about The Jungle Book is that for one it looks great and that had me engrossed from the start, the second thing was as soon as I heard Idris Elba as Shere Kahn (I must admit it sounded a little weird at first but it grew on me) and Christopher Walken as King Louie (that didn't need time to grow on me it was hilarious) The third thing was that I know the story, I've seen the 1967 version and heard the story before so there were no surprises for me really. I understand that the film is directed towards a much younger audience than myself, but I still enjoyed it for the way that it looks and sounds.

I think that the way that the story had being adapted for a live action film is perfect and it works really well, the more that I think back the more that I appreciate the film that I saw, when I first come out of the cinema I felt a little disappointed but I think that is because I know the story and the ending was no surprise. Something that was added into the live action film that wasn't in the original 1967 version of the film, was that they made it so it was Mowgli's father that burned Shere Khan's face, giving more reason to the why Shere Kahn hates Mowgli rather than just humans in general. This as well as the very slow reveal added something extra to the movie for me, I guess if you have being living under a rock or are possibly a small child that has never heard of The Jungle Book before this isn't really a big deal.

So I'll conclude with; yes this is a good movie and I recommend going to see it at the cinema because the visuals are defiantly worth the price of a ticket, then there's the sound of Christopher Walken as King Louie which just sounds perfect in the cinema. Whether you have heard of The Jungle Book before or maybe you have a man cub of your own that you want to take to see it, go, do it, it's completely worth it even if you don't enjoy the story, you'll enjoy the experience.

Info-graphic - How To Become A Superhero

I've been lazy and very unmotivated to make a post recently, by recently I mean a whole month. So I have created this info-graphic on how to become a superhero, you know just in case you were thinking of it as your primary career path.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

How Batman V Superman is really a prologue...

Every time I see an advertisement or a trailer for this movie it just intensifies my hate for it, as I said in my last post, if I don't like something then I'm not exactly nice about it. 

To start off lets talk about the promotional poster, one side features Superman with a white background suggesting that he is the good figure of this movie. Whereas Batman is surrounded by black, which signifies evil. Therefore, despite both actually being praised as heroes in their own movies, Batman is being depicted as the villain. Although, it could also be as simple as Superman needing the sun for power and Batman fighting during the night.

What I really want to talk about though, is the fact that this movie isn't really about Batman fighting with Superman. That is just the selling point for this movie, since they've released most of the fight in the multiple trailers that they have released. When the two hero's start to fight we're probably going to see something really cool and cinematic, I mean two of DC's biggest facing off against one and other is gonna be so cool, but the problem that I have is that the two are going to fight for a bit then something is going to happen that causes the two to join forces. If you look at one of the trailers I don't know which one, but Wonder Woman shows up for some reason and saves the two from some abomination that Lex Luther has created. This clearly shows that they will team up in the movie and the question that everyone wants answered will still be unanswered, plus if you look at the section of the trailer after Wonder Woman has shown up you stop seeing Batman and Superman fighting and just individual clips of the three going in for an attack. This super cut of all the trailers in chronological order is pretty good, it shows that they are relying on the hype of the two fighting by showing the two fighting over and over in different scenes

So to conclude this post, I'm going to say that if you look up the cast members for this movie on google, you'll see a lot of DC characters in there that wouldn't need to be in there if this was just a fight between Batman and Superman. The whole reason that this is been made is so that they can start a DC movie universe, just like Marvel have done but they did it right, they introduced their characters with their own origin story movies, whereas DC is just jumping straight in and showing Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg all in one movie. The only thing that can come after this really is the making of origin movies for these characters, obviously we know Batman and Superman's origins already, but what we need to see is Wonder Woman's origin story as a film, the same with Cyborg.
I'd like to finish off by saying that I do have high hopes for this movie, I think it will be a good movie to watch, I just don't like the way that they're going about making it.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Why 'The Other Side of the Door' was successfully horrible

Let me begin this with me saying I didn't think this was a bad movie I'm just a dick and if I don't like something (like this movie) I tend to find every little detail to moan about and that is exactly what I'm going to do in this post. This will certainly contain spoilers for the film but that shouldn't matter as I'll be doing you a favour if you read this and choose not to see the film.

We then cut to Maria and Michael walking down a beach discussing their future, are they going to stay in India or move back to America, etc, which reminds me, the only thing that has changed in this horribly cliché horror movie is the fact that they are in India, its still a white American family and a creepy kid. Anyway back to the beach scene that confused me, the two ask a young girl whether they should stay in India to raise their family, to which the young girl replies with pointing to Maria and screaming while her face melts or something, this is the first in a few pointless jump scares that aren't that scary. This one though has absolutely nothing to do with the plot or anything as it happens well before everything kicks off in the movie.
My next problem with this film is that Piki, who is the family's maid or paid help or whatever (she is basically their maid), point is she is made out to be religious. There is even a scene where we see her praying but she still tells Maria about the abandoned temple where she can speak to her son again, I know you're thinking 'whats wrong with that?' Well let me tell you, she tells Maria this while standing next to her hospital bed, after she just tried to kill herself because she can't cope with the fact that her son is dead. Still not that bad, she is just trying to help Maria, right? The problem with it is that Piki knows that if Maria goes to this temple to speak to her son, Oliver, and opens the door bad things will happen (I say bad things because by this point in the movie I kinda zoned out and didn't listen to what would happen), this is a really bad idea for the simple reason Maria just tried to kill herself because she misses her son and so obviously she's going to open the door.

Next up is when Maria goes to the temple to speak to Oliver, to say goodbye or sorry for letting him drown or whatever, I don't really know anymore my mind was elsewhere for the majority of this film. Although, I still remember how bad it was, so Maria is at this temple she's done all the prerequisites for speaking to your dead loved one through a door and she's waiting and waiting and waiting for what seems like forever (you can see why I zoned out). Eventually there's repeated banging on the door which was convenient as me and Maria were both nodding off to sleep out of boredom. Maria then sits speaking with Oliver saying nothing of consequence, only stupid things like 'come closer to the door'. Oliver keeps pleading with her to let him in, to which she tells him 'no' he's not aloud. This was pretty surprising as I thought she'd open the door straight away, since she just tried to swallow a bottle of pills to see him again. Oliver see's that his pleading to be let in isn't going to work, so he just tells his mother he has to leave, to which Maria does exactly what I knew she was going to do and jumps up and opens the door to see nothing. By the end of the movie I was hoping there was a gas leak in the temple and she just hallucinated the whole thing, but no, this wasn't the twist unfortunately.

Media Diary 07/03/2016 - 13/03/2016

So over the past week-ish I've been keeping a 'media diary' which is basically me logging when I interact with media (which I forgot to do most of the time, I'll fill in the gaps).

So the ideal way to do this would be for me to go on Facebook (mainly out of habit/boredom) and then immediately log that in my media diary but I am an idiot and didn't do this, I completely forgot that I had to do this and ended up filling in my whole day at the end of the day or the next day when I remembered... So here is my somewhat completed media diary

Monday - 10.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up
Monday - 13.00 Hail Caesar  Cinema  N/A 
Monday - 15.00 Prison Break PS4/Netflix In my room just gotten back from the cinema 
Monday - 18.00 Youtube Videos PS4/Youtube  In my room 
Monday - 20.00 Prison Break PS4/Netflix In my room 
Tuesday - 10.00 Facebook Phone  In my room, Just woke up
Tuesday - 12.00 Lucifer  Laptop/Amazon Prime Video In my room 
Tuesday - 13.00 Supergirl Laptop/Internet In my room
Tuesday - 15.00 Facebook Phone  In my room 
Tuesday - 16.00 Tin Man PS4/DVD In my room 
Tuesday - 20.00 Far Cry: Primal PS4  In my room 
Wednesday - 10.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up 
Wednesday - 11.00 The Flash  Laptop/Internet  In my room 
Wednesday - 12.00 iZombie Laptop/Internet  In my room
Wednesday - 13.00 Gotham Laptop/Internet  In my room 
Wednesday - 15.00 Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS4 In my room 
Wednesday - 23.00 Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS4 In my room 
Thursday - 13.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up
Thursday - 15.00 Arrow Laptop/Internet In my room 
Thursday - 16.00 Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS4 In my room
Thursday - 23.00 Youtube Videos PS4/Youtube In my room
Thursday - 1.00 Prison Break PS4/Netflix In my room 
Friday - 10.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up
Friday - 11.00 Legends of Tomorrow  Laptop/Internet  In my room 
Friday - 12.00 Prison Break  PS4/Netflix In my room

So from first glance you can see that Facebook features everyday, that's because its the first thing I do on a morning because I'm lazy and never want to get out of bed after my alarm has gone off. I roll, scramble or fall out of bed and instinctively reach for my phone to get my weird fix from social media, when I've successfully navigated the course from my bed to my desk (which is located at the bottom of my bed) and grabbed my phone I then fall back into my bed to scroll through Facebook and read every pointless thing on there until I reach a status update that I have already seen from the day before. As I'm writing this I'm coming to the revelation that I spend too much time sitting in my room doing nothing but looking at Facebook or watching some random crap on TV... 

I'll then spend the rest of the day watching one of the various programs that I watch depending on the day as I seem to have found a program that airs almost everyday of the week so I have at least one 40 minute episode a day to watch. If for some reason I don't have a show to watch I'll fall back on YouTube and find some thing to watch on there which is usually a lets play of a game or a vlog because I guess I'm either too lazy to play the game or I'm too poor to buy the game and play it, and in the case of a vlog... I just like to see what other people are doing in their lives that are much better than mine. I played Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception a little bit in this week too as I got the whole Uncharted collection in the bundle with my PS4 (which as you can see gets used a lot) and I have been playing my way through the collection in time for the forth installment of the franchise to come out soon and I wanted to be all caught up on the story so I knew what was going on.

I've come to the conclusion that I should probably leave my room at some point and experience the outside world and maybe get some fresh air? I'll probably do that after I watch this next episode... 

Oh also you may have noticed that on Friday my media diary ends randomly at 12.00 with me watching Prison Break, yeah that's because I continued to watch Prison Break well in to the early hours of the morning around 5 or 6am which then led to me sleeping for the next two days.