Thursday 17 March 2016

Media Diary 07/03/2016 - 13/03/2016

So over the past week-ish I've been keeping a 'media diary' which is basically me logging when I interact with media (which I forgot to do most of the time, I'll fill in the gaps).

So the ideal way to do this would be for me to go on Facebook (mainly out of habit/boredom) and then immediately log that in my media diary but I am an idiot and didn't do this, I completely forgot that I had to do this and ended up filling in my whole day at the end of the day or the next day when I remembered... So here is my somewhat completed media diary

Monday - 10.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up
Monday - 13.00 Hail Caesar  Cinema  N/A 
Monday - 15.00 Prison Break PS4/Netflix In my room just gotten back from the cinema 
Monday - 18.00 Youtube Videos PS4/Youtube  In my room 
Monday - 20.00 Prison Break PS4/Netflix In my room 
Tuesday - 10.00 Facebook Phone  In my room, Just woke up
Tuesday - 12.00 Lucifer  Laptop/Amazon Prime Video In my room 
Tuesday - 13.00 Supergirl Laptop/Internet In my room
Tuesday - 15.00 Facebook Phone  In my room 
Tuesday - 16.00 Tin Man PS4/DVD In my room 
Tuesday - 20.00 Far Cry: Primal PS4  In my room 
Wednesday - 10.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up 
Wednesday - 11.00 The Flash  Laptop/Internet  In my room 
Wednesday - 12.00 iZombie Laptop/Internet  In my room
Wednesday - 13.00 Gotham Laptop/Internet  In my room 
Wednesday - 15.00 Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS4 In my room 
Wednesday - 23.00 Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS4 In my room 
Thursday - 13.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up
Thursday - 15.00 Arrow Laptop/Internet In my room 
Thursday - 16.00 Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception PS4 In my room
Thursday - 23.00 Youtube Videos PS4/Youtube In my room
Thursday - 1.00 Prison Break PS4/Netflix In my room 
Friday - 10.00 Facebook  Phone  In my room, Just woken up
Friday - 11.00 Legends of Tomorrow  Laptop/Internet  In my room 
Friday - 12.00 Prison Break  PS4/Netflix In my room

So from first glance you can see that Facebook features everyday, that's because its the first thing I do on a morning because I'm lazy and never want to get out of bed after my alarm has gone off. I roll, scramble or fall out of bed and instinctively reach for my phone to get my weird fix from social media, when I've successfully navigated the course from my bed to my desk (which is located at the bottom of my bed) and grabbed my phone I then fall back into my bed to scroll through Facebook and read every pointless thing on there until I reach a status update that I have already seen from the day before. As I'm writing this I'm coming to the revelation that I spend too much time sitting in my room doing nothing but looking at Facebook or watching some random crap on TV... 

I'll then spend the rest of the day watching one of the various programs that I watch depending on the day as I seem to have found a program that airs almost everyday of the week so I have at least one 40 minute episode a day to watch. If for some reason I don't have a show to watch I'll fall back on YouTube and find some thing to watch on there which is usually a lets play of a game or a vlog because I guess I'm either too lazy to play the game or I'm too poor to buy the game and play it, and in the case of a vlog... I just like to see what other people are doing in their lives that are much better than mine. I played Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception a little bit in this week too as I got the whole Uncharted collection in the bundle with my PS4 (which as you can see gets used a lot) and I have been playing my way through the collection in time for the forth installment of the franchise to come out soon and I wanted to be all caught up on the story so I knew what was going on.

I've come to the conclusion that I should probably leave my room at some point and experience the outside world and maybe get some fresh air? I'll probably do that after I watch this next episode... 

Oh also you may have noticed that on Friday my media diary ends randomly at 12.00 with me watching Prison Break, yeah that's because I continued to watch Prison Break well in to the early hours of the morning around 5 or 6am which then led to me sleeping for the next two days.

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