Saturday 14 May 2016

Unit X made it a thing

The whole reason this blog is a thing is because of Unit X that I am studying at University, I thought about starting a blog a while ago but lacked the commitment to actually do so, since I had to do this blog as a part of my course it forced me to commit to it, and I'm grateful for it, I've really enjoyed writing this blog and plan to continue to do so in the future after this unit has ended. When this unit started all we was told was that we would be writing a blog, anything past that was all up to us, we had complete freedom, we could write about anything that we wanted but uni said they were taking us to see new releases at the cinema if we wanted an easy option, I didn't when I first started thinking about it, I wanted to do something original that was my own but I couldn't think of anything that I would be able to write about for six weeks and totalling in 4000-5000 words. 

I think that choosing to write about the films that we went to see was a good idea, I really liked the idea of reviewing films when I started my first one, as you'll notice my first blog post about a movie is quite long in comparison to my others. Before I start to write any of my blog posts I usually read one or two of my previous ones just to soak in my writing style again as I tend to ramble on and on if I don't, and once I read my first post (about me and Facebook being married) and then read the review of The Other Side of The Door I realised where I had gone wrong, but at the same time didn't want to take out any of the content in the review.  

To finish my final post in this blog that is required to be posted, I'd like to say that Unit X has been one of my favourite units so far, as it's helped me find something to do that I'm enjoying more and more as I write more posts, I'm always thinking when I'm watching something how I'll write a post about it. Unit X is definitely unique in every way, the whole idea of it is great and is a really good way to finish my first year at university, the fact that it's quite relaxed in its approach is another reason I'm happy to finish my year with it, I could have easily been assigned an essay of 4000 words on a subject that I didn't choose, and I probably would have written it all the night before the due date, and I could have done that with this blog, I could have written all my posts in one day and then posted them and submitted it but I've enjoyed writing these posts so I wanted to do it straight away rather than leaving it to the last-minute like I would with an essay.  

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