So for the infographics that I have been posting, yeah I was supposed to work with a group to make them... But I just don't like to work in a group, I work best when I can just do the work myself, which essentially consists of me procrastinating for weeks until I can be bothered to actually do anything. Point is I had a group that I should have kept in contact with and actually met up with to make the infographics, but I didn't because like I said I work better alone, which does sound like a really douchey thing to say but its the truth.
Second on my list of group work stuff, I think that the group pretty much did the same as me, by that I mean worked alone, but the other two did have some form of contact with one and other as they were talking every now and again in a group chat that all three of us were in, I just chose to ignore it because I'm a bad person. Sometimes I did look at the chat without opening it because once again I didn't want to be talk to anyone, (yeah, I know how socially awkward of me) but I still wanted to know what was going on which wasn't a lot for the majority of the time, mainly they were asking where I was...
Over all I think the work that I made was pretty damn good if I do say so myself (which I obviously do because I'm full of myself and this is my blog after all) but to be honest, I should have interacted with my group a lot more because I could have used them to do some of the work for me...Errm I mean we could have worked as a group to complete the work... but it would have worked out the way that it was supposed to is my point. I probably could have done with doing a lot more planning rather than just thinking 'oh that could be cool as an infographic' because that did really trip me up more than once, When I was making the first infographic I just thought I'd make something to do with super heroes, since I had just got back from seeing Batman Vs Superman at the cinema, but that was the extent of my planning, I did just then proceed to throw it together on the fly. I did however look at it afterwards and think how terrible it was, so I remade it with 'some' planning (I made a few little drawings on a scrap piece of paper). I then went about two weeks before doing literally anymore work and then all of a sudden thought about a game that I played when I was younger, I remembered it held a record for the most profanity in a game (I was a massive nerd and actually knew the exact number of every swear at one point when I was younger) so I did the exact same thing and didn't plan anything out and ended up doing it twice. So lesson learned, plan my stuff out before I make it, which I do usually do I was just being arrogant in thinking that an infographic wouldn't be that hard to make, which it wasn't, it was just the way it looked that was my problem.